The next chapter...
The time has come to announce that SPT will be relocatng to Newnan, Georgia and Sarah will be joining the wonderful team at Showtime Training Center! We are excited for this new chapter and look forward to an exciting future!
Congrats to Tonya Wright on her purchase of Eightiez Mercedez! We can't wait to see all that this pair will accomplish in and out of the show ring!
U.S. Nationals Update!
We are home from a very exciting US Nationals! With many fantastic rides and even some roses! We want to thank our clients and horses for a fantastic show season! Check out our "Results" page for all the US Nationals Results!
And check back regularly for an updated show schedule!
Congrats to Leigh Jasper on the purchase of Midsummer National two time Top Ten recipient, Elusive J! We at SPT wish you and Ellie all the best and can't wait to see all the incredible memories you will make together!